SMS Pro Template
Please provide the preferred messaging you would like to use for our SMS pro feature. Please note if messaging is not provided by the 1st of the next applicable month we will use the defaults which are provided below:
Dealership Contact Name:
Dealership Contact Email:
Buy My Ride Offers:
Customize your SMS message
Hi {{{customer_first_name}}}, do you know what your {{{year}}} {{{model}}} is worth TODAY? {{{dealer_name}}} would love to share some numbers with you - we think you're going to be pleasantly surprised. TAP HERE: {{url}} and let's connect! {{{opt_out_message}}}
0 / 280 characters
Upgrade Offers:
Customize your SMS message
Hi {{{customer_first_name}}}, {{{dealer_name}}} has kept close tabs on the market & we have a great opportunity to upgrade your {{{year}}} {{{model}}}. For a no-obligation options review, let's connect! TAP HERE: {{url}} {{{opt_out_message}}}
0 / 280 characters
Multiple Vehicle Offer:
Customize your SMS message
Hi {{{customer_first_name}}}, {{{dealer_name}}} has kept close tabs on the market & we have a great opportunity to upgrade your {{{year}}} {{{model}}}. For a no-obligation options review, let's connect! TAP HERE: {{url}} {{{opt_out_message}}}
0 / 280 characters